❤️ Click here: Wechat pc login without qr code

Any ideas or suggestions? I have Wechat installed on an iOS device iPad and on my Windows 10 PC. Then from the drop down menu, select Scan QR Code. So you can WeChat with your friends and family directly on your desktop.

Meanwhile, before thinking about Wechat Web or Wechat Web for PC Windows and Mac OS, you should know that active internet connection on your PC is the first thing you have to make provision for. Now confirm your web log-in on your phone. In this update, the native iPhone QR code scanner was added. There's another option here, although not a great user experience.

- Point your iPhone camera to the QR code which you like to scan, align QR code within frame to scan.

Did you know that you can access your WeChat chats on your desktop as well? Like Whatsapp, you can use WeChat Web to message all your friends right from your PC using the WeChat web QR Code. How to login to WeChat Web? You will see a QR Code that you need to scan using your WeChat app on your phone 3. Open WeChat on your phone and go to the Discover tab 4. Choose the Scan QR Code option and point your camera towards the QR Code on WeChat Web. Once the QR Code is scanned, you will be asked to confirm web login on your phone 5. Confirm login and you are ready to start chatting. Why you need to login to WeChat Web using your phone? Why not use a username and password like all the others? Your WeChat chats and all other data is stored on your phone rather than on WeChat servers. So if you want to see your chats on a desktop, WeChat should first be running on your phone which is essentially the server. All messages will ultimately be received and routed via your phone app. When you first signed up for WeChat it verified only your phone number. So the only way of logging into WeChat Web is by scanning a QR Code from your phone, which acts as the authentication. Tell us what issue you are facing in the comments section below. We have a user that unable to sign in on wechat pc. Seems like an auto responder. I already scan code then, log in confirmation from my smartphone then its log in in web after a second its kick back and goes to main scan bar code again…already do this and refresh this many time. Then i unblock all adblock same result now donno what to do?

How to scan QR Code in WeChat
I reproduce wechat flow in github, welcome to contribute. All my contact and profile info is there. If you are a mobile app developer, you can use such a QR Code to allow users to easily met your app. This is because WeChat is an app for the phone and that all chats and other data are actually stored on your phone and not on the WeChat server. So if you want to see your chats on a desktop, WeChat should first be running on your tout which is essentially the server. WeChat is an app for mobile devices not a PC. QR Code login documentation is available in English at I'm not gonna explain this here as it's not really the question.